How to Be a Voice of Experience
You got to where you are today due to your experience. You were hired because of your experience. How then, will you make that experience count as you provide guidance to key contributors and decision-makers in your organization?
As I’ve addressed in previous posts, developing a network of “Friends of Compliance” who engage in mutually beneficial exchanges of information will help you stay relevant, needed, diligent and more effective overall.
Draw on What You Know and Seek to Know More
Your experience and skill set will be an invaluable asset to your organization; however, like many professional service careers, you will need to keep up with regulatory expectations and norms, industry best-practices and more. Your experience will only be valued if it continues to grow and be added upon.
To protect your “brand” and add value to your organization, you will build on this experience through fostering relationships and connections both internally and an externally. A compliance officer needs to understand industry trends and use that intelligence to develop smart, strategic ways to address challenges.
You can successfully accomplish this by:
- Being actively involved with your industry – participating in conferences, discussions, groups, etc to keep abreast of developments, expectations and best-practices.
- Establishing value-add relationship with Legal and risk peers, to seek support and collaboration.
- Making your involvement with fellow business leaders a priority as you build a network of “Friends of Compliance” (FOCs) throughout the organization help encourage interest, identify red flags and provide candid feedback about your ideas and work.
Make it your mission to help those around you understand the importance of compliance at the executive level and throughout the organization. Go beyond your compliance experience to understand the drivers of business interests, behavioral incentives, and the importance of relationships. As a compliance officer, you need to know the rules, but that knowledge and its value will increase when you apply this technical knowledge to the inner-workings, motivations, and priorities of the organization you work for. To keep increasing your knowledge, visit